14 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Numerical Simulation-Based Analysis of Flood Mitigation by Side-Weir De...
김동수, 권영화, 이호수,
옥광민, 김영도 | AGU | 2024-12-12 |
13 | 학술발표회-국외 |
An Overflow Discharge Measurement Technique for Side-weir Detention Bas...
김동수, 권영화, 이호수,
김영도, 정상화, 김종민 | AGU | 2024-12-11 |
12 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Light Source and Intensity Variations in Dark Conditions Spectral Analy...
이호수, 옥광민, 권영화,
김동수, 김영도 | GEWEX | 2024-07-09 |
11 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Reservoir overflow measurement technique based on water level and flow ...
이호수, 옥광민, 권영화,
김동수, 김영도 | GEWEX | 2024-07-09 |
10 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Spectral Information-based Technique for Estimating Sediment Height in ...
이호수, 옥광민, 권영화,
김동수, 김영도 | AOGS | 2024-06-25 |
9 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Mixing Characteristics of River Confluence using Water Quality Indicato...
손근수, 김동수, 류시완, 김영도 | ISEH 2021 | 2021-07-19 |
8 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Bathymetric Observation with UAV-based Hyperspectral Image in Shallow R...
유호준, 김동수, 권영화 | ISEH 2021 | 2021-07-19 |
7 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Estimating dispersive behavior using UAV-based spatio-temporal hyperspe...
권영화, 한은진, 유호준
김동수, 김영도 | ISEH 2021 | 2021-07-19 |
6 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Modification and Visualization of a Standardized River Data Transfer Fo...
유호준, 김동수 | HIC 2016 | 2016-08-23 |
5 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Prototype decision support system for interjurisdictional collaboration...
H. Xu, M. Windsor, H. Hameed
I. Demir, M. Muste, J. Smith
M. B. Stevenson, T. Hunemuller, 김동수 | HIC 2016 | 2016-08-23 |
4 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Experimental study on uncertainty analysis for ADCP discharge measureme...
김동수, 김종민 | River Flow 2016 | 2016-07-14 |
3 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Experimental study on uncertainty assessment of ADCP discharge measurem...
김종민, 김동수, 김서준, 김수정 | 2015 IAHR World Congress | 2015-07-02 |
2 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Development of an anisotropic spatial interpolation method for velocity...
유호준, 김동수 | 2015 IAHR World Congress | 2015-07-02 |
1 | 학술발표회-국외 |
Experimental study of flow characteristics in Real-Scale meandering riv...
김동수, 손근수 | 2015 IAHR World Congress | 2015-07-01 |