
Effects of hydropeaking by an upstream dam on thermal mixing in a riverine lake

by 임진수 posted Mar 20, 2024


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논문명 Effects of hydropeaking by an upstream dam on thermal mixing in a riverine lake
저자명 권시윤, 김동수, 서일원
학술지 Journal of Hydrology
게재연월 2024-03-03
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130992

The hydropeaking operations of a hydropower dam can significantly affect the flow and thermal regimes in riverine reservoirs, and this effect is very complex, both in space and time. In this study, we used a 3D hydrodynamic model, calibrated with field datasets, to investigate the thermal mixing resulting from hydropeaking within Paldang Lake (PL) in South Korea. The spatiotemporal temperature patterns revealed that density currents critically affected thermal mixing in the reservoir and developed differently based on upstream dam operations and flooding events. Notably, the confluence of the North Han River (NHR) and South Han River (SHR) played a key role in shaping the thermal regime. During the hydropeaking release from the upstream dam in the NHR, the colder water of the NHR from the deep-water discharge of the upstream dam plunged beneath the warmer water of the SHR, leading to three-dimensional mixing. Consequently, the thermal mixing patterns varied depending on the discharge patterns from the upstream dam. Additionally, diurnal variations in the dam discharge frequently affected areas of the reservoir exhibiting high Schmidt stability. During the non-operation period of the upstream dam, the SHR flow backflowed into the downstream section of the NHR, resulting in the confluent area exhibiting the poorest vertical mixing. Secondary currents also played a crucial role in influencing the flow and thermal regimes, with the intensity of the secondary flow varying along the longitudinal mainstream of the reservoir. The thermal mixing state was predominantly weakened to partial mixing within a curved reach owing to the secondarycurrent. Overall, this study demonstrates that the complexity of flow and thermal processes in the PL is significantly influenced by hydropeaking events. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding density currents and secondary flows according to dam operation in managing riverine reservoirs for enhanced ecological health and sustainable water resource management. 


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