
Analysis of Mixing Patterns of River Confluences through 3D Spatial Interpolation of Sensor Measurement Data

by 임진수 posted Apr 01, 2024


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논문명 Analysis of Mixing Patterns of River Confluences through 3D Spatial Interpolation of Sensor Measurement Data
저자명 이창현, 김경동, 류시완,
김동수, 김영도
학술지 water
게재연월 2023-02-27
권/호 Vol.15, Issue 5
발행기관 MDPI
DOI https://doi.org/10.3390/w15050925

Aquatic environmental problems, such as algae, turbid water, and poor oxygen content, have become increasingly common. In river analysis, hydrological and water quality characteristics are used for evaluating aquatic ecological health, which necessitates continuous monitoring. In addi‑tion, because measurements are conducted using a fixed measurement method, the hydrological and water quality characteristics are not investigated for the entire river. Furthermore, obtaining high‑resolution data is tedious, and the measurement area and time are limited. Hence, low‑resolution data acquisition is generally preferred; however, this requires an appropriate interpolation method to obtain a wide range of data. Therefore, a 3D interpolation method for river data is proposed herein. The overall hydraulic and water quality information of a river is presented by visualizing the low‑resolution measurements using spatial interpolation. The Kriging technique was applied to the river mapping to improve the mapping precision through data visualization and quantitative evaluation.


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